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Nature Playshops
August 4, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

- During Nature Playshops kids engage in unstructured outdoor play with open ended natural materials following the principles of “loose parts play”. Kids have fun, build skills, and learn to love nature. Family Earth’s founder, Rochelle, mentors grownups on how to facilitate nature play and get your family outdoors more. Each week our play and learning takes place in a new environment with different materials.
- Booking Information:
- Playshops run for $15 per child for each session. Children under the age of 3 come along free! Book your playshop here: https://www.familyearth.earth/nature-playshops
- Pay What You Can: We believe everyone should enjoy nature, regardless of economic status. Pay what your family can afford, or more to help another family out. Find out how at our website.
- Additional Information:
- Unstructured play in nature with loose parts, without a schedule, encourages creative fun while grown ups learn how to facilitate creative play.
- We have a locally sourced picnic offering coming soon! In the meantime feel free to pack a lunch if you’d like to picnic on the Family Earth acreage after your session.
- We’re here to help:
- Got questions? We’re here to help! Email us at info@familyearth.earth or call us at 343-777-7414 and we will be happy to assist with any questions you might have.
- Play it safe:
- We all have a part to play in combating the spread of COVID-19. The outdoor venues at Family Earth are all designed to ensure physical distancing and all visitors will be asked to complete a COVID-19 screening on arrival.