On June 7-9, 2024, join us as we celebrate the 240th anniversary of New Johnstown (Cornwall) and the Royal Townships today comprised of the Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, as well as the Counties of Leeds and Grenville. The celebration blends the past and present with a re-creation of this first 1784 community along […]
Visit the Galop Canal Bluegrass Festival June 13th - 15th for 3 days of amazing music and great friends! This years bands feature performers from across North America including Deeper Shade of Blue, Tyler Comeau & Highway 10 Boys, and Maple Hill!
Welcome to the Winchester Open Mic Café! This Authentic 60s-style coffeehouse opens each Sundays from 2:00pm - 5:00pm everyday at the Old Town Hall, 478 Main Street, Winchester. Everyone is welcome! Free to attend. Alcohol-free canteen.
Gather your friends, get your bikes and come out for a sweet ride to Winchester to enjoy live music, food vendors and more! This event is weather permitting so keep updated with Facebook! Dates are June 13th, July 11th, August 8th, September 14th.