*Attention South Stormont Chamber of Commerce Members!* We're inviting you to attend our next planning meeting to discuss the ongoing preparations for the Traveling Trade Show, taking place on *September 13th and 14th*. All new members, interested parties, and volunteers welcome Contributions are driving the success of the travelling Trade Show, and they need everyone's […]
From July 4th -28th, come enjoy the antics of Bedtime Stories! The hilarious & engaging lives and stories of 15 different characters are revealed in 6 different bedrooms! It’s a madcap roller coaster ride when they all get remarkably connected in this clever comedy by Canada’s favourite & funniest playwright! Fasten your seat belts as […]
From July 4th -28th, come enjoy the antics of Bedtime Stories! The hilarious & engaging lives and stories of 15 different characters are revealed in 6 different bedrooms! It’s a madcap roller coaster ride when they all get remarkably connected in this clever comedy by Canada’s favourite & funniest playwright! Fasten your seat belts as […]
Are you the adventurous type? Do you enjoy a nice scare at night? How about spooky stories and unsettling atmospheres? Starting June 21st, the Sir John Johnson Manor House will be providing their Discovery Walk services every Friday during the summer season (Depending on Weather, Number of Attendees, and other events that may interfere). If […]
The Friends of Crysler's Farm Battlefield, in partnership with the St. Lawrence Parks Commission, will be hosting their biannual 1812 Battle Re-enactment in the summer of 2024. It is scheduled for Saturday July 6th and Sunday July 7th at the field immediately west of Upper Canada Village. The objective of the Friends of Crysler’s […]
From July 4th -28th, come enjoy the antics of Bedtime Stories! The hilarious & engaging lives and stories of 15 different characters are revealed in 6 different bedrooms! It’s a madcap roller coaster ride when they all get remarkably connected in this clever comedy by Canada’s favourite & funniest playwright! Fasten your seat belts as […]