The Glengarry Pioneer museum welcomes guest speaker Alan Jones (“Jones the Pipes”) on July 6th 2024 at 2pm. Alan Jones is a traditional Celtic musician, bagpipe historian and collector, who will bring along a selection of instruments to discuss and play, so come and enjoy an intimate afternoon of songs from the British Isles, Ireland […]
Who needs a Ted Talk when you can go to a Tea Talk! Topics are as follows: June 27th @ 2pm - Sourdough Bread with Linda Sinfield July 11th @ 2pm - Tartan in Glengarry with Julia Danskin July 25th @ 2pm - Glengarry Honey with Natalie Martin Tickets are $5 for members and $10 […]
Are you the adventurous type? Do you enjoy a nice scare at night? How about spooky stories and unsettling atmospheres? Starting June 21st, the Sir John Johnson Manor House will be providing their Discovery Walk services every Friday during the summer season (Depending on Weather, Number of Attendees, and other events that may interfere). If […]