Local Stories

Cornwall & SDG Counties Tourism Summit: Learn, Connect, and Grow Our Regional Tourism Industry!
SDG Counties – We are pleased to extend a warm invitation to all tourism interest holders, organizations, and event planners to the inaugural Cornwall & SDG Counties Tourism Summit! This...
15 Things to do during the Holidays in SDG Counties
Looking to make the most of the holiday season in the SDG Counties? Whether you're a local or just visiting, these 15 festive activities will help you soak up the charm, tradition, and magic this region has to offer. From sparkling light displays to cozy winter...
A Milestone year: 75th Glengarry Highland Games Recap
Wasn’t That a Games to Remember! The sweltering heat couldn’t keep the crowds away from last weekend’s Glengarry Highland Games 75th Edition. From the opening of the gates on Friday morning to the last notes in the music venues on Saturday night, Games fans celebrated...
Celebrate Where Ontario Began with Local Museums
Museums in the SDG Counties are never boring! Whether you’re interested in walking through a functioning 1800s village, touring a spooky decommissioned jail, or just learning a bit more about your...
OPG’s Saunders Hydro Dam Visitor Centre opens for the 2024 Summer Tourism Season
May 22, 2024 Cornwall – Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) Saunders Hydro Dam Visitor Centre(SHDVC) opened its doors to the public on Tuesday, May 21 for the 2024 summertourist season. Located at 2500B Second St. West, on the banks of the St. Lawrence River in...
Mysteries of October: Events and Haunts to Explore
As October arrives, it brings a fun mix of thrills and chills that draws our community together for Halloween festivities. People of all ages love this time of year, diving into haunted houses, spooky events, and ghost stories that give us just the right amount of...
JULY 8, 2024 The Worlds Are Coming to the Games When the Glengarry Highland Games comes to mind, the first thought is about the pipe bands and the amazing massed bands. One of the second things is most likely the heavy events where athletes wow the audience with their...
SDG Fairs Guide 2024
Fair season is back and better than ever with Maxville Fair starting 21st! Join us for an action-packed summer of county fairs, and look for our booth where you'll find great recommendations on events and attractions! For updates and more information regarding...
The ultimate guide to picking apples in SDG County!
Hello everyone!🍎🍏 With autumn officially here, it’s time to dive into the season's most cherished activities. Apple picking is a fantastic way to gather with friends and family, enjoy the crisp fall air, and immerse yourself in the vibrant community spirit. Whether...
2024 Battle of Crysler Farm Battlefield Re-enactment
The Friends of the Crysler Farm Battlefield are pleased to announce that the 2024 Battle of Crysler's Farm re-enactment will be held on the weekend of July 6 and 7 at the Battlefield Memorial Park adjacent to Upper Canada Village. Sponsored by SDG Tourism and the St....
BERRY GOOD JOB: Avonmore farm feted by The Food Network
AVONMORE, Ontario - The Avonmore Berry Farm is famous for its produce in SDG Counties, with residents from Iroquois to Alexandria diving into fresh fruit and vegetables. Now the rest of the country knows too. The venerable Avonmore institution was recently named...
Meet the makers in SDG Counties. Their spirits are alive and doing well.