Lynne Hanson

Stone Crop Acres 5242 Smiths Rd, Morrisburg, ON, Canada
$20 – $30

The Halloween Bazaar

Cornerstone Organics 16574 County Road 36, Long Sault, Ontario, Canada

A Tiny Horse Christmas at Alight at Night

Upper Canada Village 13740 County Road 2, Morrisburg, ON, Canada

Entrance into the special performance at 8 p.m. is included with general admission to Alight at Night on December 7. Guests are encouraged to purchase tickets in an earlier time slot (6:30, 7:00, or 7:30 p.m.) to enjoy a leisurely stroll through the festival with more than one million lights before the show begins. Food […]

Main Street Taylor Swift Tour – Winchester

Join Winchester businesses for a Taylor Swift shopping event. Pick up a friendship bracelet at each stop (while quantities last) and shop Taylor swift inspired merchandise, and promotions. Sing and dance your way down main Street in your favourite eras outfit and trade bracelets along the way. Stop in at The Old Town Hall for […]

The Good Lovelies – Stonecrop Acres

Stone Crop Acres 5242 Smiths Rd, Morrisburg, ON, Canada

Listen to one of Canada's best trios while enjoying a glass of local wine this Saturday June 1st at 4pm. Stone Crop Acres are thrilled to host the Juno-award winning […]