56th Annual Iroquois Fly-In Breakfast

Iroquois Campground 5889 Carman Rd, Iroquois, Ontario, Canada

Eat a delicious breakfast outdoors amidst a field of planes! The 56th Annual Iroquois Fly In Breakfast is taking place July 21st from 7:30am to 11:30am at the Iroquois Airport/ […]

Event Series Yoga & Flowers Workshop

Yoga & Flowers Workshop

Brighter with Blooms Farm 14835 Concession 1-2 Rd, Finch, Ontario, Canada

Join us for a two-hour Yoga and Flowers session this summer. We will set our yoga mats up among all the gardens and Megan Brabant will lead us through one hour of yoga. We will move onto the floral's activity led by Meghan Miller. This will include learning how to harvest flowers and creating bouquets […]

Event Series Tea Talks

Tea Talks

Glengarry, Nor'Westers and Loyalist Museum 19651 John Street, Williamstown, ON, Canada

Who needs a Ted Talk when you can go to a Tea Talk! Topics are as follows: June 27th @ 2pm - Sourdough Bread with Linda Sinfield July 11th @ 2pm - Tartan in Glengarry with Julia Danskin July 25th @ 2pm - Glengarry Honey with Natalie Martin Tickets are $5 for members and $10 […]

Event Series Williamstown Discovery Walk

Williamstown Discovery Walk

Sir John Johnson Manor house 19692 William St Williamstown, Williamstown, ON, Canada

Are you the adventurous type? Do you enjoy a nice scare at night? How about spooky stories and unsettling atmospheres? Starting June 21st, the Sir John Johnson Manor House will […]

Event Series Mandalas with Alpacas

Mandalas with Alpacas

The Heart of the Willow 10304 Sandy Creek Road, Brinston, Ontario, Canada

Experience the unique and therapeutic activity of Mandalas with alpacas at The Heart of the willow. Immerse yourself in nature and allow your creativity to flow freely as you connect with these gentle and calming animals. Channel your emotions and express yourself in a peaceful and inspiring setting. When you are creative, life flows through […]
