Event Series Soak up the Sunflowers and Bee Amazed

Soak up the Sunflowers and Bee Amazed

Smirlholm Farms Honey 65 Main Street, Morewood, ON, Canada

Get Ready to "Bee" Amazed! Once again this year, Smirlholm Farms is opening its doors to the community to showcase the beauty of Morewood and raise funds for the WDMH Foundation's Cancer Care Fund. It's the 3rd annual Soak up the Sunflowers and Bee Amazed! On July 27th and 28th and again on August 3rd […]

“Through the Lands of the Lost Villages” Bus Tour and BBQ

Lost Village Museum 16361 Fran Laflamme Drive, Long Sault, ON, Canada

Join us for a fully guided tour of the locations and the heritage of the flooded villages of Lake St. Lawrence. Your guide will be Lost Villages Historical Society President, Jim Brownell. The bus leaves the Lost Villages Museum at 1:00pm and returns at 5:00pm for a BBQ. Cost is $40/person. Reservations are required. Tickets […]


Paint My Pet Workshop

Got plans Tuesday? Grab a pic of your favourite furry friend and come paint!! We will be hosting our friend Laura Stevens from Victoria Street Studios on July 30th from 6:00-8:30pm for an evening of creativity and would love to see you. Space is limited, so message or email info@humblebeginningsbrewing.ca to reserve your spot - […]

Glengarry Highland Games

34 Fair Street, Maxville, Ontario, K0C 1T0 34 Fair Street, Maxville, Ontario

Put on your kilt and join us at the 75th annual Glengarry Highland Games! This year’s games will include the traditional Scottish events of highland dancing, fiddling, heavy events and […]

Event Series Williamstown Discovery Walk

Williamstown Discovery Walk

Sir John Johnson Manor house 19692 William St Williamstown, Williamstown, ON, Canada

Are you the adventurous type? Do you enjoy a nice scare at night? How about spooky stories and unsettling atmospheres? Starting June 21st, the Sir John Johnson Manor House will be providing their Discovery Walk services every Friday during the summer season (Depending on Weather, Number of Attendees, and other events that may interfere). If […]

Williamstown Fair

Williamstown Fairgrounds 19629 John Street, Williamstown, ON, Canada

Visit Canada's oldest fair this summer to celebrate its 212th year! The Williamstown Fair has plenty to offer including live performers, cattle shows, a midway and more!

Event Series Winchester Dairyfest

Winchester Dairyfest

Main St. Winchester Main St., Winchester, Ontario, Canada

Check out the Winchester Dairyfest from August 9-11th for all things dairy and agriculture, plus live entertainment, facepainting, the DairyDash Fun Run, a tractor parade and more!

Event Series Williamstown Discovery Walk

Williamstown Discovery Walk

Sir John Johnson Manor house 19692 William St Williamstown, Williamstown, ON, Canada

Are you the adventurous type? Do you enjoy a nice scare at night? How about spooky stories and unsettling atmospheres? Starting June 21st, the Sir John Johnson Manor House will be providing their Discovery Walk services every Friday during the summer season (Depending on Weather, Number of Attendees, and other events that may interfere). If […]

Event Series Winchester Dairyfest

Winchester Dairyfest

Main St. Winchester Main St., Winchester, Ontario, Canada

Check out the Winchester Dairyfest from August 9-11th for all things dairy and agriculture, plus live entertainment, facepainting, the DairyDash Fun Run, a tractor parade and more!