Yoga with Alpacas

The Heart of the Willow 10304 Sandy Creek Road, Brinston, Ontario, Canada

Fall in Love with Maple

Wightman Sugar Bush 5488 1st Line Rd, Lancaster, Ontario, Canada

Artisans In The Park

Lost Villages Museum 16361 Fran Laflemme Dr, Long Sault, Ontario, Canada

The Three Musketeers

Upper Canada Playhouse 12320 County Road 2, Morrisburg, ON, Canada

Watercolour with Linda Norton

Glengarry, Nor'Westers and Loyalist Museum 19651 John Street, Williamstown, ON, Canada

With Linda's step to step guidance, tap into your adventurous spirit and create your own magical owl watercolour painting. All supplies and 8x10 frame included. All levels welcome. 613-360-0139


Chakras for Wellbeing & Balance Workshop

Are you feeling overwhelmed and out of sync with the world around you? Do you need a boost of energy to help you tackle the challenges ahead? If so, we […]
