The Halloween Bazaar

Cornerstone Organics 16574 County Road 36, Long Sault, Ontario, Canada

Blue Heron Trail Re-Opening

Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary 5591 Morrisons Road, Ingleside, Ontario, Canada

Museum Festive Market

Glengarry, Nor'Westers and Loyalist Museum 19651 John Street, Williamstown, ON, Canada

Friday the 17th of November we will be hosting a “sneak peek” of the event with complimentary hot chocolate and cider served. Entrance for the “sneak peek” is $5 per […]


Christmas One-Of-A-Kind Market

Glengarry Pioneer Museum 1645 County Road 30, Dunvegan, ON, Canada

The Glengarry Pioneer Museum is closed and the snow shovel is waiting in anticipation for what is soon to come. What could possibly be happening at the museum, you ask? […]


A Tiny Horse Christmas at Alight at Night

Upper Canada Village 13740 County Road 2, Morrisburg, ON, Canada

Entrance into the special performance at 8 p.m. is included with general admission to Alight at Night on December 7. Guests are encouraged to purchase tickets in an earlier time […]