SVG Unity Picnic

Crysler Park Beach 13480 County Rd 2, Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada

The 2024 Vincy Unity Picnic Canada is an exciting event that brings people together to celebrate Vincentian culture and enjoy a day of music, games, and community spirit. Join the […]

Event Series Friday Night Roller Skate

Friday Night Roller Skate

Sam Ault Arena 577 Main St, Winchester, Ontario, Canada

Come out to the Sam Ault Arena in Winchester for Friday night roller skating till August 9th! Whether you're just starting to learn or a seasoned professional, all ages and skill levels are welcome. Bring your own skates or roller blades, or borrow some from the skate lending library. Helmets are strongly recommended!

Event Series Williamstown Discovery Walk

Williamstown Discovery Walk

Sir John Johnson Manor house 19692 William St Williamstown, Williamstown, ON, Canada

Are you the adventurous type? Do you enjoy a nice scare at night? How about spooky stories and unsettling atmospheres? Starting June 21st, the Sir John Johnson Manor House will […]

Drive-In Breakfast

Cedar Glen Golf Course 4201 Saddlemire Rd, Williamsburg, Ontario, Canada

Come show us your beautiful rides at Cedar Glen Golf Course. All clubs welcome, car enthusiasts welcome, vintage car owners welcome, EVERYONE is welcome. The event will be raising money for Community FoodShare and the new Dundas Manor long-term care home. Admission is $2 + a foodbank item.