Long Sault Farmers Market
Long Sault Plaza Long Sault, Ontario, CanadaShop local at the Long Sault Farmers Market this summer from vendors including the Avonmore Berry Farm, Ingleside Tomatoes, Maritime Market & Seafood, Brenda's Veggies, and more!
Shop local at the Long Sault Farmers Market this summer from vendors including the Avonmore Berry Farm, Ingleside Tomatoes, Maritime Market & Seafood, Brenda's Veggies, and more!
Ever wanted to be a ghost hunter? Join paranormal investigation partners, Phantom of Yore, for an interactive evening exploring the SDG/Cornwall Jail. Learn the ropes & methods of ghost hunting, then […]
Are you the adventurous type? Do you enjoy a nice scare at night? How about spooky stories and unsettling atmospheres? Starting June 21st, the Sir John Johnson Manor House will […]
Ever wanted to be a ghost hunter? Join paranormal investigation partners, Phantom of Yore, for an interactive evening exploring the SDG/Cornwall Jail. Learn the ropes & methods of ghost hunting, then […]
Ever wanted to be a ghost hunter? Join paranormal investigation partners, Phantom of Yore, for an interactive evening exploring the SDG/Cornwall Jail. Learn the ropes & methods of ghost hunting, then […]
Are you the adventurous type? Do you enjoy a nice scare at night? How about spooky stories and unsettling atmospheres? Starting June 21st, the Sir John Johnson Manor House will […]
Ever wanted to be a ghost hunter? Join paranormal investigation partners, Phantom of Yore, for an interactive evening exploring the SDG/Cornwall Jail. Learn the ropes & methods of ghost hunting, then […]
What are you doing March 8th? We're hosting our first ever winter fat bike race on Saturday, March 8 at 9:00 a.m.Three distances will be offered for both men and women: 5 km, 10 km and 30 km. There will be refreshments and prizes for the participants. The cost to participate is free for FOTST […]
The Raisin River Canoe Race is one of the longest canoe races in eastern Ontario. First started in 1973, the 30-km course runs from St. Andrews West to Williamstown. The race is always held during the spring freshet when water levels are high and flows are favourable for paddlers. The race is set to begin at […]