Paranormal Investigations at the Historic SDG Jail

Cornwall Jail (SDG Jail) 11 Water St W, Cornwall, Ontario

Ever wanted to be a ghost hunter? Join paranormal investigation partners, Phantom of Yore, for an interactive evening exploring the SDG/Cornwall Jail. Learn the ropes & methods of ghost hunting, then try out all the equipment you have seen on TV. Every investigation is different & unpredictable. Tickets are $69.00 per person and must be purchased […]


Raisin River Canoe Race

St. Andrews West St. Andrews West, Ontario, Canada

The Raisin River Canoe Race is one of the longest canoe races in eastern Ontario. First started in 1973, the 30-km course runs from St. Andrews West to Williamstown. The race is always held during the spring freshet when water levels are high and flows are favourable for paddlers. The race is set to begin at […]