Milles Roches Pride Beach Day

Milles Roches Beach 15805 Long Sault Parkway, Long Sault, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, July 14 we will be hosting a Pride Beach Day! Join Diversity Cornwall at Milles Roches Beach for a day of fun in the sun Bring a towel […]

Circus Genoa

Morrisburg Arena 28 Ottawa St, Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada

Circus Genoa is coming to South Dundas! Don't miss acrobatic performances, clowns, jugglers and more! There will be two shows, one starting at 4:30 pm and one starting 7:30 pm. […]

Chamber Pub Night

Lost Villages Brewery 16133 County Road 36, Long sault, Ontario, Canada

The June edition of the Chamber Pub Night will be hosted at Lost Villages Brewery. This month's edition of pub night will feature a Cornhole Networking micro-tournament! Hosted by the […]

Event Series Friday Night Roller Skate

Friday Night Roller Skate

Sam Ault Arena 577 Main St, Winchester, Ontario, Canada

Come out to the Sam Ault Arena in Winchester for Friday night roller skating till August 9th! Whether you're just starting to learn or a seasoned professional, all ages and […]

Event Series Williamstown Discovery Walk

Williamstown Discovery Walk

Sir John Johnson Manor house 19692 William St Williamstown, Williamstown, ON, Canada

Are you the adventurous type? Do you enjoy a nice scare at night? How about spooky stories and unsettling atmospheres? Starting June 21st, the Sir John Johnson Manor House will be providing their Discovery Walk services every Friday during the summer season (Depending on Weather, Number of Attendees, and other events that may interfere). If […]

Avonmore Fair

Avonmore Fair 16301 Fairview Dr, Avonmore, ON, Canada

Celebrating 164 years in 2024, the Avonmore Fair never disappoints! Plans for this year include plenty of inflatables for kids, a western horse show, classic car show, live entertainment, and a barn dance on Friday July 19th with live music from the County Lads.