2nd Annual Fish to Feed Ice Fishing Tournament

The Alibi 10912 Golf Club Road, Iroquois, ON, Canada

Parker is getting ready to host his 2nd annual Fish to Feed ice fishing tournament!You can fish anywhere you’d like weigh in being located at The Alibi all fish must be weighed in by 3pm and is a LIVE weigh in only! Register by emailing brittany_ouderkirk@outlook.com or texting 343-370-5830 e-transfer or cash excepted. Entry fee […]

3rd Annual Ice Fishing “Fun” Tournament

Hoople's Bay Hoople Creek, Ingleside, Ontario, Canada

Friends of Hopple Creek Society Presents "3rd Annual ice fishing Fun Tournament! At Hooples Bay, Ingleside on Saturday, February 15th, 2025 from 8:00am-12:00pm Admission is $50 and tickets are for sale in ingleside at Relic Outfitters! There is over $5,000 in cash prizes for longest northern pike, longest walleye, longest yellow perch, most species caught, […]


Friend’s of the Sanctuary Moonlight Ski/Snowshoe

Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary 5591 Morrisons Road, Ingleside, Ontario, Canada

Moonlight Ski/Snowshoe walk through the Upper Canada Migratory Bird sanctuary. Rentals are available and the fee to participate is $5. This is a weather permitting event, so be sure to check their Facebook for updates.


Fat Bike Race 2025

Summerstown Trails 6150 County Road 27, Williamstown, Ontario, Canada

What are you doing March 8th? We're hosting our first ever winter fat bike race on Saturday, March 8 at 9:00 a.m.Three distances will be offered for both men and women: 5 km, 10 km and 30 km. There will be refreshments and prizes for the participants. The cost to participate is free for FOTST […]


Friend’s of the Sanctuary Moonlight Ski/Snowshoe

Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary 5591 Morrisons Road, Ingleside, Ontario, Canada

Moonlight Ski/Snowshoe walk through the Upper Canada Migratory Bird sanctuary. Rentals are available and the fee to participate is $5. This is a weather permitting event, so be sure to check their Facebook for updates.


Glengarry Highland Games

34 Fair Street, Maxville, Ontario, K0C 1T0 34 Fair Street, Maxville, Ontario

The first Glengarry Highland Games were created in 1948 by a small group of local businessmen who wanted to ensure that the Scottish traditions would not be lost by the younger generations.

Glengarry Highland Games

34 Fair Street, Maxville, Ontario, K0C 1T0 34 Fair Street, Maxville, Ontario

The first Glengarry Highland Games were created in 1948 by a small group of local businessmen who wanted to ensure that the Scottish traditions would not be lost by the younger generations.

Glengarry Highland Games

34 Fair Street, Maxville, Ontario, K0C 1T0 34 Fair Street, Maxville, Ontario

The first Glengarry Highland Games were created in 1948 by a small group of local businessmen who wanted to ensure that the Scottish traditions would not be lost by the younger generations.