Magical Paint Night in a Field of Florals

Brighter with Blooms Farm 14835 Concession 1-2 Rd, Finch, Ontario, Canada

Join us for a magical paint night in a field of florals with flower farmer, Meghan Miller, and our popular local artist, Laura Stevens, from Victoria Street Studios. No experience […]

Event Series Friday Night Roller Skate

Friday Night Roller Skate

Sam Ault Arena 577 Main St, Winchester, Ontario, Canada

Come out to the Sam Ault Arena in Winchester for Friday night roller skating till August 9th! Whether you're just starting to learn or a seasoned professional, all ages and skill levels are welcome. Bring your own skates or roller blades, or borrow some from the skate lending library. Helmets are strongly recommended!

Event Series Williamstown Discovery Walk

Williamstown Discovery Walk

Sir John Johnson Manor house 19692 William St Williamstown, Williamstown, ON, Canada

Are you the adventurous type? Do you enjoy a nice scare at night? How about spooky stories and unsettling atmospheres? Starting June 21st, the Sir John Johnson Manor House will be providing their Discovery Walk services every Friday during the summer season (Depending on Weather, Number of Attendees, and other events that may interfere). If […]

Yoga with Alpacas – The Heart of the Willow

The Heart of the Willow 10304 Sandy Creek Road, Brinston, Ontario, Canada

Introducing a unique experience that combines yoga and nature in a zen environment. Join us at Heart of the Willow for an hour-long yoga session with instructor Lori Link, surrounded by tranquil alpacas, providing a truly unforgettable experience of resourcing. Following the session, take 30 minutes to meet and learn more about our adorable alpacas. […]

It’s All About the River

Morrisburg Waterfront Park 7 Canada Way, Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada

Come out to the Morrisburg Waterfront and celebrate the beautiful St. Lawrence River! Family friendly and FREE to Everyone, It's All About the River is a favourite summer event for visitors both […]

Event Series Winchester Music in the Park

Winchester Music in the Park

Sweet Corner Park Main St. W and St. Lawrence St., Winchester, ON, Canada

Groove with Rob Barclay Music as he plays his soulful saxophone at Music in the Park from 10:30am - 1:30pm. Other artists include Julian Clayton on June 22nd, Spencer Scharf on September 14th, and Ken Workman Band on October 12th. The live music coincides with the Winchester Garden Party Market so it's a great opportunity […]


Bedtime Stories – Upper Canada Playhouse

Upper Canada Playhouse 12320 County Road 2, Morrisburg, ON, Canada

From July 4th -28th, come enjoy the antics of Bedtime Stories! The hilarious & engaging lives and stories of 15 different characters are revealed in 6 different bedrooms! It’s a madcap roller coaster ride when they all get remarkably connected in this clever comedy by Canada’s favourite & funniest playwright! Fasten your seat belts as […]

Drive-in Movie Night

Smokie Ridge Vineyard 10090 Cameron Rd, Mountain, ON, Canada

Enjoy a great night out and bring back the nostalgia with the drive-in movie night at the vineyard! Bring your family and friends and enjoy Migration at 5:30PM and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 at 8:00PM. Only $35 per carload! Tickets are available on Eventbrite: Doors open at 3PM, so come join crowd […]


Bedtime Stories – Upper Canada Playhouse

Upper Canada Playhouse 12320 County Road 2, Morrisburg, ON, Canada

From July 4th -28th, come enjoy the antics of Bedtime Stories! The hilarious & engaging lives and stories of 15 different characters are revealed in 6 different bedrooms! It’s a madcap roller coaster ride when they all get remarkably connected in this clever comedy by Canada’s favourite & funniest playwright! Fasten your seat belts as […]

Event Series Williamsburg Country Market

Williamsburg Country Market

4358 County Rd 31 Williamsburg, ON 4358 County Rd 31, Williamsburg, Ontario, Canada

Check out the market at Jay's Tire and Repair for fresh produce, preserves, woodwork, artisanal items, food and refreshments, and more! Open every Sunday throughout the summer.