Chakras for Wellbeing & Balance Workshop

Are you feeling overwhelmed and out of sync with the world around you? Do you need a boost of energy to help you tackle the challenges ahead? If so, we invite you to join Jessica Palmquist, founder of Turquoise Compass Wellness, and Jacynthe (Jaz) Villemaire founder of the Chakra Clinic, in the Outdoor Wellness Space […]


The Star Inn Cookhouse: Historic Talk and Tastings

Dunvegan Recreation Hall 19053 County Rd 24, Dunvegan, Ontario, Canada

The Glengarry Pioneer Museum is bringing Holly Benison, a culinary historian, to the community hall in Dunvegan on March 24th for a historic talk with delicious tastings and an immersive […]


Total Solar Eclipse at Crysler’s Farm

Upper Canada Village 13740 County Road 2, Morrisburg, ON, Canada

Join us on Monday, April 8, 2024, from 1pm-4:30pm, at Battle of Crysler’s Farm National Historic Site, for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Witness the magic of a total solar eclipse with […]


Event Series Mandalas with Alpacas

Mandalas with Alpacas

The Heart of the Willow 10304 Sandy Creek Road, Brinston, Ontario, Canada

Experience the unique and therapeutic activity of Mandalas with alpacas at The Heart of the willow. Immerse yourself in nature and allow your creativity to flow freely as you connect […]



Lamoureux Park 100 Water St E, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada

On June 7-9, 2024, join us as we celebrate the 240th anniversary of New Johnstown (Cornwall) and the Royal Townships today comprised of the Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, […]

Eighth Annual Smith-in – Glengarry Pioneer Museum

Glengarry Pioneer Museum 1645 County Road 30, Dunvegan, ON, Canada

Come on down and see the sparks fly! From June 15th to 16th, come watch the blacksmiths work their magic at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum! Special demonstrations will be done […]

Eighth Annual Smith-in – Glengarry Pioneer Museum

Glengarry Pioneer Museum 1645 County Road 30, Dunvegan, ON, Canada

Come on down and see the sparks fly! From June 15th to 16th, come watch the blacksmiths work their magic at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum! Special demonstrations will be done […]