CPKC Holiday Train

Tracks adjacent to James Street between Williams Street and George Street.

The Star Inn Cookhouse: Historic Talk and Tastings

Dunvegan Recreation Hall 19053 County Rd 24, Dunvegan, Ontario, Canada

The Glengarry Pioneer Museum is bringing Holly Benison, a culinary historian, to the community hall in Dunvegan on March 24th for a historic talk with delicious tastings and an immersive 19th century tavern experience. The log Star Inn at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum was a busy stagecoach stop in the 19th century, offering meals and […]


Total Solar Eclipse at Crysler’s Farm

Upper Canada Village 13740 County Road 2, Morrisburg, ON, Canada

Join us on Monday, April 8, 2024, from 1pm-4:30pm, at Battle of Crysler’s Farm National Historic Site, for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Witness the magic of a total solar eclipse with the St. Lawrence River as your backdrop. In a total solar eclipse, the moon will completely cover the sun, creating a celestial spectacle visible from […]


Event Series Glengarry Renaissance Festival

Glengarry Renaissance Festival

Come one, come all to the Glengarry Renaissance Festival! Experience the excitement and wonder of the Middle Ages in a festival like no other. Held in Maxville, Ontario, this event will transport you back in time to a world of knights, princesses, and medieval marvels. The Glengarry Renaissance Festival is an unforgettable event that you […]

Event Series Glengarry Renaissance Festival

Glengarry Renaissance Festival

Come one, come all to the Glengarry Renaissance Festival! Experience the excitement and wonder of the Middle Ages in a festival like no other. Held in Maxville, Ontario, this event will transport you back in time to a world of knights, princesses, and medieval marvels. The Glengarry Renaissance Festival is an unforgettable event that you […]


On June 7-9, 2024, join us as we celebrate the 240th anniversary of New Johnstown (Cornwall) and the Royal Townships today comprised of the Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, as well as the Counties of Leeds and Grenville. The celebration blends the past and present with a re-creation of this first 1784 community along […]

Paranormal Investigation at the Lost Villages Museum

The Lost Villages Museum in Long Sault, Ontario, has a well-earned reputation as one of the most haunted places in Ontario. The site commemorates “lost” communities in Eastern Ontario which were permanently submerged by the creation of the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Many of the 6,500 people displaced by the project saw their homes and businesses destroyed. We […]

Eighth Annual Smith-in – Glengarry Pioneer Museum

Come on down and see the sparks fly! From June 15th to 16th, come watch the blacksmiths work their magic at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum! Special demonstrations will be done on site, showcasing many processes that a blacksmith would do in their line of work, using a replica of an early 19th century military forge […]

Chesterville and District Historical Society 40th Anniversary

Chesterville Heritage Centre 14 Victoria St., Chesterville, Ontario, Canada

Join us in celebrating 40 years in our community with an indoor program offering refreshments and a BBQ at the Heritage Center located at 14 Victoria St. Chesterville. There will be horse-drawn, narrated tours of some historic sites as well, weather dependent. Book your seat early by calling 613-448-9130 or by emailing chestervillehistoricalsociety@gmail.com

Paranormal Investigation at the Lost Villages Museum

The Lost Villages Museum in Long Sault, Ontario, has a well-earned reputation as one of the most haunted places in Ontario. The site commemorates “lost” communities in Eastern Ontario which were permanently submerged by the creation of the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Many of the 6,500 people displaced by the project saw their homes and businesses destroyed. We […]

Eighth Annual Smith-in – Glengarry Pioneer Museum

Come on down and see the sparks fly! From June 15th to 16th, come watch the blacksmiths work their magic at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum! Special demonstrations will be done on site, showcasing many processes that a blacksmith would do in their line of work, using a replica of an early 19th century military forge […]

Event Series Williamstown Discovery Walk

Williamstown Discovery Walk

Are you the adventurous type? Do you enjoy a nice scare at night? How about spooky stories and unsettling atmospheres? Starting June 21st, the Sir John Johnson Manor House will be providing their Discovery Walk services every Friday during the summer season (Depending on Weather, Number of Attendees, and other events that may interfere). If […]